Articles on: Privacy & Data Security

What should the consent feature be used for?

The consent feature is primarily designed to help you comply with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), although it can be used as a mechanism to record any form of consent.

If you're unfamiliar with GDPR you can check out the full details of the regulation here.

In particular, this feature relates to Article 13 of the GDPR, which is the "right to be informed"

In accordance with Article 13, the data controller (you), needs (amongst other things) to:

tell clients who you are
why you need their personal data
how you will use it within your practice
how they can modify it
how they can access it
how they can retract consent to hold and process their records
how they can raise a complaint, should they wish to do so.

This information can be put into a privacy statement that your clients need to consent to. If you need help with wording of this statement please contact a lawyer specialising in privacy and data protection (we use Aaron & Partners (in the UK) or your professional body may be able to help. We cannot provide any assistance on what you should include in this statement.

In WriteUpp, there are two ways you can capture consent:

Via Email - Read more here
In Person - Read more here

Updated on: 07/09/2023

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