Articles on: Patient Management

How do I assign a user as responsible for a patient?

How you do this is dependant on two things:

What Patient Visibility setting you have selected in Settings -> General -> How do you manage your customers? 

This must be set to 'Visible to responsible user' if you wish to hide patient information from users who are not responsible for them

Your user role

The responsible user(s) is always set in the Patient tab of the Patient Summary. Click on Edit Details to open it in an editable state:

If the 'Visible to all Users' setting is selected:

If all records are shared with all users, everyone will have access to a dropdown box labelled responsible and be able to assign any user to any patient.

Scroll down the page to the bottom of the Key Patient Information box and find the Responsible field:

Use the list to choose which user(s) you'd like to "assign" to the patient. You can make as many users responsible for a patient as you'd like. All users selected in this dropdown will be made responsible for the patient:

Once changes are saved, the Responsible field on the Patient tab will list who the assigned users are:

If the 'Visible to Responsible User' setting is selected:

If visibility is restricted to the responsible user only, your user role will define what you see within the editable Patient tab.

Site Administrators will have access to the dropdown box as above and be able to assign any user to any patient.

All other users will only be able to make themselves responsible for any new patients they create (or have created in the past) by ticking the Make me responsible tick box:

All other users will not be able to make themselves responsible for a patient they did not create; they will not be presented with any options under Responsible when editing patient details:

Once changes are saved, the Patient tab will again show the name(s) of the assigned user(s) in the Responsible field.

Got more than one clincian working with a patient or need more than one user to have access to a patient record? That's fine, you can assign as many users as you'd like to be responsible for a patient. All responsible users will then have access to the patient record and the contents within and the patient will be hidden from any users who are not responsible.

Updated on: 13/06/2023

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